WSSA Store
Anderson's Guide to Practical Methods of Propagating Weeds and Other Plants By: Douglas D. Buhler and Melinda Hoffman
The purpose of this book is to provide basic methods for propagate germination and establishment of specific weeds.
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Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West By: Joseph M. DiTamaso and Evelyn A. Healy
This book is a practical guide to the identification and biology of the submerged, floating-leaved and emergent aquatic wees in rice production fields (paddies), water use systems, and wild-land areas in the western United States.
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Weeds of California and Other Western States By: Joseph M. DiTomaso and Evelyn A. Healy
This book is a two-volume practical guide to the identification and biology of over 700 terrestrial weeds.Although this book cover weeds primarily in California,many of these species also occur in other areas of the United States.
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Herbicide Handbook 10th Edition 2014 Editor: Dale L. Shaner
The tenth edition of the Herbicide Handbook include information on more than 200 herbicides, and a few other chemicals such as safeners, modifiers and extenders for herbicides, desiccants and plant growth.
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Weed Science Origin and Evolution- The First 50 Years By: Arnold P. Appleby
This book provides history, facts and knowledge of the first 50 years of The Weed Science Society of America.
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Invasive Plants of Range and Wildlands and Their Environmental, Economic and Societal Impacts Edited by: Celestine L. Duncan and Janet K. Clark
This publication summarizes scientific literature regarding the economic, environmental, and societal losses to range and wildlands caused by 16 key invasive plants in the United States and provides estimates of their current area infested in the 48 contiguous states.
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Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds Produced by: Thundersnow Interactive
- 690 weed species fully described
- Descriptions of 81 plant families
- Over 4300 full-color photographs
- Interactive identification key to all wees
- Professional narrated interactive lessons on plant identification and morphology
- World of Weeds- Weed histories
- US and Canada distribution maps
- Illustrated glossary of 595 botanical terms
- Toxic Properties for each weed species
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New APMS publication on research methods for aquatic plants. Price: $35. Click here to order!

Weed Bingo game for 2-6 players. Click here to order!.